Custom Cache

The following section outlines the custom cache capabilities of the library, providing a basic guide on best practices and a simple how-to.

The Default Cache

By default, uses an OrderedDict as the cache class.

However, it modifies this by adding in a max size and expiry time for objects. Upon entering the cache, all objects are given a timestamp, and if the distance between retrieval time and when the object was put in the cache is greater than a defined amount, the object is disgarded and None is returned. Similarly, if the cache exceeds the maximum size, the least recently used object is disgarded.

This is a simple, lightweight and effective method of caching. For the average user, it is more than adequete.

Modifying Max Size and Time To Live

One of the options for modifying the cache is to change the settings for max size and time to live, on a ‘per group’ basis. The groups are as follows:

The Default Max Size/Time To Live for each group are detailed below:

Cache Group Max Size Time To Live
clan 1024 3600 sec (1hour)
war 1024 1800 sec (0.5 hr)
player 1024 3600 sec (1hour)
static 1024 None (never expires)

Where each of the groups correspond to the following cached objects:

Cache Name Group
Search clans clan
Clan War Logs clan
Clan Wars war
Current Wars war
War League Groups war
League Wars war
War Clans war
War Players war
Search Players player
Locations static
Leagues static
Seasons static
Events Run static

These default max size and time to live can be overidden like follows:

import coc

class CustomCache(coc.Cache):
    def clan_config(self):
        return coc.CacheConfig(128, 60)  # max_size, time to live

    def player_config(self):
        return coc.CacheConfig(256, 30)  # max size = 256, time to live = 30

Where coc.CacheConfig is a named tuple where max size and time to live can be set.

You would then pass this custom cache class into your coc.login function.

import coc

client = coc.login('email', 'password', cache=CustomCache)

Where CustomCache is your custom cache class.

Modifying the Default Cache Instance Type

Sometimes you may wish to change the type of cache instance completely. The default cache instance/class is an OrderedDict - an inbuilt dict from the collections module.

The library does, however, provide support for different classes than regular dicts. This provides the user with the opportunity to use an async compatabile cache, redis (or aioredis), through to an in-memory database (sqlite3 is one).

When customising the cache instance, a few important things should be noted:

  1. By default, the library tries to index the cache object with a key, ie cache[key] to get a value. If this fails, it will fallback to a .get(key) method of the cache, which can be a coroutine. If your cache instance does not support either operation, you must override the cache.get() method. More can be found in Cache.get()
  2. The same applies for cache.set(key, value), cache.pop(key), cache.items(), cache.values(), cache.keys() and cache.clear(). All of these methods are coroutines.
  3. If applicable, checking for maximum size and TTL of objects should be done in this class instance. The library does not handle TTL outside of the default cache classes.

A few examples:

# to use a cache with only a max size; no TTL.

from coc import MaxSizeCache, Cache, login

class CustomCache(Cache):
    def create_default_cache(self, max_size, ttl):
        return MaxSizeCache(max_size)

client = login('email', 'password', cache=CustomCache)
# simarly, to use a cache with only TTL; no max size:

from coc import TimeToLiveCache, Cache, login

class CustomCache(Cache):
    def create_default_cache(self, max_size, ttl):
        return TimeToLiveCache(ttl)

client = login('email', 'password', cache=CustomCache)
# using aioredis as cache

import aioredis
from coc import Cache, EventsClient, login

class CustomCache(Cache):
    def create_default_cache(self, name, max_size, ttl):

    def make_key(cache_type, key):
        return f'{cache_type}:{key}'

    async def get(cache_type, key):
        new_key = self.make_key(cache_type, key)
        return await self.client.redis.get(new_key)

    async def set(cache_type, key, value):
        new_key = self.make_key(cache_type, key)
        expiry = self.get_ttl(cache_type)
        await self.client.redis.set(new_key, value, expire=expiry)

    async def pop(cache_type, key):
        new_key = self.make_key(cache_type, key)
        return await self.client.redis.lpop(new_key)

    async def keys(cache_type, limit=0):
        cur, keys = await self.client.redis.scan(match=cache_type, count=limit)
        return keys

    async def values(cache_type):
        keys = await self.keys(cache_type)
        return (await self.client.redis.get(k) for k in keys)

    async def items(cache_type):
        keys = await self.keys(cache_type)
        return ((k, await self.client.redis.get(k)) for k in keys)

    async def clear(self, cache_type):
        await self.client.redis.flushdb()

    async def get_limit(self, cache_type, limit):
        keys = await self.keys(cache_type, limit=limit)
        return ((k, await self.client.redis.get(k)) for k in keys

class CustomClient(EventsClient):
    def __init__(self, **options):
        self.redis = aioredis.create_redis('redis://localhost')

    async def on_client_close(self):
        await self.redis.wait_closed()

client = coc.login('email', 'password', client=CustomClient, cache=CustomCache)